¿Who we are?

JRI Laboratorio de Sistemas is a firm dedicated to applied science with scientific-technical foundation in Human Resources subject on the background.
In JRI we dedicate ourselves to two fundamental areas:

  • Sistemas propios

    Our own systems

    We investigate and develop our own systems for automated data processing and evaluative techniques.

  • Selection processes

    As competitions, competitive examinations, job boards, assessment, relocating contests, etc.


    University entrance examinations, university tests, entrance examinations, level tests, gold standard tests, language tests, tests for PISA study, final examinations, official recognition of degrees, examinations for teaching titles, vocational training, etc.

    Data gathering process

    Universities, Private Sector Company, Civil Service (central, autonomous, local), tourism (hotels, cruise, hotel management, travel agency, etc.), public health, epidemiological surveys

    Professional licenses and certifications

    Installers, transporter carrying dangerous goods or travelers, tourist guides, taxi driver, hunting and fishing permit, sailing license to pilot a pleasure craft, seafaring title, hunting expert, etc.


    Parts of work and every kind of coding, verification and control in general forms

    Evaluation Tests

    Psychotechnical tests, aptitude tests, attitude tests, transversal competences, non verbal skills, computer science tests, office suite, keyboard speed test, Gestalt assessment, etc.

We have 50 years
experience behind us

Thanks to the extensive professional and academic career of Dr. J. Rodrigues Isidoro and the services used by a large number of Civil Services and Private Sector Companies.


At JRI, we guarantee that all participants have the real opportunity of being assessed with a fair treatment. Without technical interferents.

Our vision

To protect social justice. To ensure people to take their exams enjoying equal opportunities to the rest, in a wholly objective way.

Our mission

To guarantee security and objectivity in issuing the results. Thanks to the development of new technologies, we guarantee equal opportunities.

Our values

Ethical basis, reliability, security, confidence and responsibility.


Our maxim is to guarantee the accuracy of the results we emit to our clients. Thus, we innovate and develop exclusive systems which offer highly reliable data.

We play our activity on the basis of a strong scientific substantiation, adding solidity, accuracy and reliability.

Laboratorio JRI

At JRI Laboratorio de Sistemas, we have been 50 years innovating to offer autonomy, reliability and convenience to our clients.

Cutting edge tech in massive selective, evaluation, capacitation processes as well as automatic data treatment.

Research and development

We study your case in order to offer you the best value for money.
We are always adapting ourselves to the real necessities of the project.

Comprehensive solutions

Our technology offers exclusive, comprehensive and objective responses to the necessities of our clients.

Own resources

We apply our own systems and resources, wholly automated and covered by the corresponding legal registers.

Exhaustive Control

A través del cual garantizamos la objetividad y efectividad en el tratamiento de la información: reserva y confidencialidad, fiabilidad y rigor científico, seguridad y control.


Exclusive systems, registered and created by JRI Laboratorio de Sistemas.

It digitizes, processes and exploits automatically alternate choice responses, test and digits.

System which recognizes electronically letters and numbers written by hand.

Our check-mark optic-electronic reading system: test type responses.

Resources destined to automated and reliable attribution of position or jobs, observing the agreed order.

It prepares and corrects practical examinations made in computer, analyzing the ease and speed of the examined.

A system which prepares question data bases and creates exam questionnaires.

An on line platform to create forms and in which the examined can fill and/or consult data.

Our system which treats in anonymous way processable information in an objective, reliable and free of manipulation way.

It offers to fulfill alternate choice documents with ballpoint pen and the option of correcting or annul the response in case of mistake.


We study your case in order to offer you the best value for money.
We are always adapting ourselves to the real necessities of the project.

Civil service

State administrations, Autonomous Administrations, Government Agencies and Public Enterprises, Local Authorities, Universities, Health Centres and Foundations.

Private sector companies

Multinational corporations, professional cabinets, financial institutions, consultancy services, private practice, sectors as energy, banking, insurance…

  • Multinational Corporations, Financial Institutions, Professional Cabinets, Consultancy Services, and Psycho-pedagogical Field Companies are not included out of respect for reserve interests…


Do we help you to innovate?

Whether you wish more information about our products or you need previous advice, you can phone 923 22 25 00, send us an e-mail to contacte@laboratoriojri.com or fill our form for us to contact you.: